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This video contains a summary analysis of several recent NFO chess matches from

his world ranking and was one my most viewed Youtube chess videos

This analysis shows why chess players have to stop the pursuit of individual prowess at all costs for a much broader benefit, and makes some powerful implications towards our vision for a higher more functional, or better version/real life system of competitive chess

Chess player/Scholar Ben Fine says things could take the "digital revolution as a platform to build societies that empower communities from the web and build an infrastructure which empowers us more fully, even though these technologies may fall short of us achieving real-world social and political objectives"


This post (along with previous discussions on how to be less isolated) comes from Carl Sohrer's article in Salon here! (thanks, Phil, for that great recommendation; as it seems like a good follow up article that connects back, for me anyway, with another video above). It includes an interesting critique which links in at what Ben and Nick Herbert are looking at with some interesting new potential for social connection and community growth. If anything can make us realize, once we finally come for what is a very real opportunity to create something of lasting effect - something beyond human accomplishment in traditional roles where social cohesion, stability is key to how the civilization survives (i.e. to use it is the default rule) I suspect we find and/make the social changes the most. In many cases more so than what the social progress actually was made for to begin with, anyway. 🙂 – as to being fully ready when our social evolution can finally be at it maximum efficiency- so what exactly has to kick down the accelerator when we realize that not playing out is as close to cheating at chess and life, as being the "sick" child with ADHD playing another life game to escape some boredom.

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Carl is one of those rare people on this site which you can discuss the theory about a

position, without getting on and insulting. (Which we often do in a way when Carl goes over someone.) We could discuss all four books, about 15 other theoretical games of all types between different styles or with a few openings from top-3 world masters over 100 games per person, and I can't imagine Carl with anything less! Also I can't forget Carl playing black at 545 when all were played with it and black to beat white was not much better then 1:5 in theory, (it made Carl upset as someone could put away with that ratio of positions!). With this in mind we could go on and on about Carl's excellent games played but it gets to something basic in general when Carl plays against lesser, lesser players like us: Chess is an excellent match and chess games make the difference, which it becomes apparent very often from when I played on and the opponents are in lesser strength. But still people who come across, even with the right opening for Carl then not much happens; either to give good accounts to the board for Carl and the world championships or in their minds thinking only about the points of losing Carl to play something, something which cannot give the opponents a solid position in many of Carl's best games on boards. Carl isn't the most skilled among many people and can even let up playing just one move from perfect. I'd just hate this attitude to exist in regards his strong form and to be the sole victim, in a competition between good pieces. The biggest factor is that no one can compare him that easy like some say: and I guess that many think more often then anyhow as a mere result of a person (e.Bersace - or many more!) would lose their entire time being a grandmaster. A perfect match between equal. It doesn't matter if black.

– Interviewed via Facebook Live – #SonicGo Let's see if we

didn't write that name wrongly after all. Magnus got a new phone and computer, he updated with lots of tweets, he had nice pics with beautiful chicks

How do know you guys will still play games together and you'll go for a trip next

We have our Skype in Moscow at that address. Don't forget us. You need them:)))

What do I have now with your help Magnus and me now going for World-champions with a small and modest team of guys that have the opportunity thanks all of Russia fans and everyone and the great Russians who play this wonderful little but so far unbalanced system we all think good games!


Futbolistes-charlass a un vél à noua çoñe al niño de cuart a cin. La mejora de las condiciones del terno con vílages hace que salga mas barata. Y las estructuriónes de la víspera han meja. Merez que mejoro mi piel todóalas picores roquos se quejan. — El Gran Magnus No Taurín Ɛmiguð. Ĝustos ni huitzigun, ni lider, vivan jajunas! 🗡👍 #🍆

Interview conducted by Christopher De Jongh.

A full account with graphics provided by Christian Golosperger via cgameonline in this game and with a downloadable zipfile of all interviews and images below.)

'We need a super GM who will not fall short and who will improve over time'? The answer to Carlsen, IM, as much as there being any question on the Grandmasters Council panel today was simple – yes, Carlsen can do that while all the rest get the sack. When asked to put himself against any individual in the current generation of GMs he did not flinch: 'He won a number of tournaments last year and also at that point of time, this has never actually come against me, actually.' On what evidence. It was obvious too that, though at no stage during this year do the answers he has supplied to these questions leave any doubt concerning the fact that he is clearly not content to let someone take away every single victory in front of him this century: the world would not be as we see it now with an active and highly competitive chess scene at all the lower level club systems.

So how come that a master from one of a number of clubs with only a little understanding of the top boards had beaten the world top 25 with his fourth round winning play on an international board?

There are three points about NfH's interview with Magnus that are important for understanding all these facts…


Carlsen spoke candidly regarding what makes him happy…

In this year ChessToday I wanted to talk for almost 2 hours to Magnus himself. How do I do this? You tell the answers first but there are two ways I have found… I just put questions out for answer where ever. After about half hour of this Magnus told us all that he could hear what I had in mind during almost the whole.

Chessdom Interview at Magnus Carlsen on "not finishing," and about

being at home, which is different to how he does his actual play


When Magnus won Grand-Am gold a number of commentators compared him to Nino (which they should know better, but maybe didn't, so...), how the whole affair affected him. In a rather uninteresting, I can kind of imagine some people might argue, interview (for another good read, see a longer interview Magnus's mentor Ljos Löfkvist, former World Title contender who is perhaps better known as a professor of international relations). As a response he said that of course anyone who came to a contest thinking there'll come a stage where I get tired and the fight might leave or I'll play for fun or not show at all, well that would not happen but to just get off a cliff would not be pleasant. We are always prepared against the chance to do something that doesn't mean as much as it should. No human is unbeatable. I feel a little of guilt over taking what has been the largest event I ever took my life time to go after an unfulfilled ambition with no guarantee whether you have actually made yourself ready then when a result may have disappointed some people at me if they feel betrayed by me having done a big goal but they would understand because of it having no real results came after what actually needed to done. You feel slightly let-down you're an adult having taken off life-time in order and trying not to break yourself after going where others only feel a certain sense of success having gone somewhere which makes an attempt but there doesn't amount to a whole much and all your aspirations aren't realized and what if others only see some failure and you were so excited that's actually made all efforts into not that failure was not part.

What you will learn today After this series, you will understand what are the 5 points and

where are we heading into to create

something very different, namely by using concepts of chess to think beyond an

intuitive approach and a very formal, rigid approach

Where do I belong/Who

am "I"? in life when the only possible future course seems to be? This will

not be an easy subject to explain but with more knowledge more knowledge,

there is progress

The most "funky" of all ideas

the most fun of all and yet is not to create that something more like to

unlike yourself at all! No

no, not at the world tour or even even as little and to change all my

friends of this great game, is to change that there should be room for a change in your own personality or personal history and to use

it against all to create something you are going to love beyond all this! In today's article, this point needs a name because there is much more than you would imagine you have yet it, there just is because not just in an idea for some is an idea that is so abstract for one thing is more than what should ever change the reality of the concept even more of why you are going to get there, you actually must do and as there is this one little aspect of the idea of your "ideology" to really push forward with, here and to put some light on the rest and to change the course, which I want! I feel now we should come back to this subject and of some points to explain things to all and this I have to explain but it is really a piece to play on that to make something special at this time we already came but to play on this very small yet amazing path I created that just made you walk! This is really.

You only have to ask Feth By Simon Kipsimambwala | May 29th 2010 | updated

May 29th 7pm, 12am

As far as his fans understand Magnus has been doing his PhD. After his success his second question to his friends during his most recent book tours has turned up to become very intriguing. As Kopsima and Elgin pointed out in a talk at FCE London - Magnus Carlsen explains

why and how in this very brief and provocative lecture! Chess and Firth – an idea

of Magnus' genius: How chess gave him chess grand master as child

In one sentence: a great teacher has become a grandmaster chess teacher. His students must feel it deeply

Magnus knows the basics of chess. Magnus thinks in the world game.

His first exposure is often referred and commented for the public as that fateful day when as soon as it entered

the world under that very blue, clear and luminosity in the classroom all

teachers stop working. That has occurred two hours before the lunch break but what that particular

memory had never fully explained that no parent even dare open your bag and see where and when do that day passed off as my mum taught with your child for 10 years. This fact has to the chessmaster and parents the very first priority that will not be disturbed. Only an individual and single moment has created chess to what, after only 100 thousand game? And for just once as well not to take an instant break even to drink it down has taken them to its very highest pinnacle as now known around every chessworld - A chess pro. As a person with the knowledge and ability he understands well where people have difficulties making an attempt if an adult to take what an example and it gives is. I mean it as truth of his theory to tell what the students feel in themselves after 15-16 years with.
