The Complete Guide to Sword Art Online Manga
The Complete Guide to Sword Art Online Manga Sword Art Online is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Reki Kawahara. The story takes place in the near future, where virtual reality gaming has become popular. One day, players of Sword Art Online begin to get killed off in real life. The only way to escape is by beating the game and re-logging back into the virtual world. It's no wonder that Sword Art Online has become one of the most popular manga series ever written! Introduction: What is a Sword Art Online? Sword Art Online is a Japanese anime series that was originally released in 2012. It is set in the year 2022 where people are able to enter into a virtual reality world by using a device called Nervegear. The series follows protagonist, Kirito, who gets trapped inside the game and has to fight his way out. The show explores the question of what it means to be alive, and what it means to be human when your body is no longer your own. The show also explores themes s...